Summary of the Topic Volume „Agricultural Biotechnology“ (2013)
Produced at the BBAW
Editor: IAG Gene Technology Report
Agricultural biotechnology. Current scientific, economic and societal developments
Dornburg 2013
The public debate about the use of genetic engineering in plants continues unabated in Germany. At the same time, the global acreage of genetically modified crops has continued to grow steadily in recent years. Is Germany missing the boat? Or do new methods and developments offer less controversial alternatives?
In its 3rd, completely revised and supplemented edition, the thematic volume „Agricultural Biotechnology“ once again provides an interdisciplinary analysis of the current state of science and technology. After a comprehensive presentation of the research on green genetic engineering, possible effects on health and the environment, the economic benefits as well as the political framework of agricultural biotechnology are discussed. Ethical arguments and the low level of acceptance in Germany and the EU are addressed, as is the question of whether genetic engineering can make a contribution to world nutrition. Extensive numerical material on the development of genetic engineering in Germany complements the report.
The summary with the core statements and recommendations for action of the IAG in German and English can be found online.